Save on fuel, save our planet

gas pump vehicle


Be green and save money!

Fuel efficiency can be a great way to help nature while relieving your budget, specially with sky high oil prices.
Check out these great tips and see how you can save money and even... the  planet!

  • How you drive
  • Keeping your car tidy
  • Choosing and buying a new vehicle

    But WAIT... do you really need a car?

    Cars can often make the world go by too fast. If you can afford it, take a break and use your feet, your legs and avoig getting in a automobile or in a traffic jam.
    1. Walk, bike, skate, etc. This way you can save money twice: saving fuel and avoiding those expensive bills from the Gym.
    2. Use your local transportation system. Trains, subways, buses are a good way to get where you want fast. If your town does not offer you proper options, pressure your legislators to make them viable.
    3. Join a carpool, take and offer rides. It's fun and everybody profits, in the end it can help you make new friends and to know better the people whom you work with or that live close to you.
    4. Reduce your commute. Try to move closer to your work place. This can help you also have a healthier life style. If you're able to eat at home or have that treasured power nap at lunch time, for example.
    5. Combine trips. If you can do several short trips in one longer trip, you will save fuel and time. Make lists to avoid having to go back. Call ahead to avoid wasted trips.

    How you drive

    Drive efficiently, meaning: behave!

    Speeding, rapid acceleration and breaking suddenly will not only wear out your car and make you look stupid, but it wastes fuel.
    Don't drive aggressively, treat your car (and passengers!) with care. Drive at consistent speeds!
    • You can save up to 33% in fuel!

    Observe the Speed Limit

    Observing the speed limit is safer and it can save you money. 
    Although each vehicle reaches its optimal fuel economy at a different speeds, efficiency decreases rapidly at speeds above 100km/h (60 mph).
    • This can give you a fuel economy benefit of up to 23%!

    Maintain a safe following distance

    You will only brake more and accelerate more if you stick to bumper of the car in front of you.
    It's not only dangerous to be so close to another car, but it also gives you a lot less room to maneuver making it more likely for you to need to drive aggressively.

    Use A/C only on the highway

    At lower speeds, open the windows. Although this increases the drag and reduces fuel efficiency, it is better then using AC at low speeds bettween 50 and 65 km/h (35-40 mph).
    • Using your air conditioner on "Max" all the time can rise your gas consumption by roughly 5-25%.

    Remove Excess Weight

    If you're the type of person who uses your car as a second house, this may come in difficult but keeping unnecessary and heavy items in your vehicle is not advisable.
    • A weight of 45 Kg (100 pounds) can rise your fuel consumption by 2%. Smaller vehicles are even more affected by this.
    • Remove unneeded racks (for bikes, skis, etc) when not in use. They not only weight, but also increase air resistance.
    Think about this next time you forget your dirty wet laundry in your car!

    4-wheel drive

    Engaging all four wheels in your car makes the engine work harder, making fuel consumption rise. So use it only when really needed.

    Avoid Excessive Idling

    You do not save any fuel by idling. Park your car and go into the restaurant, for example, rather than idling in the drive-through.
    Cars with larger engines tend to waste more gas at idle than do cars with smaller engines.   

    Keep your car tidy

    Tune your Engine Properly

    Like us, cars need regular check-ups and fine-tuning.
    Fixing a car that is out of tune can improve efficiency by an average of 4%, though results vary based on the kind of repair and how well it is done.
    • Fixing a serious maintenance problem, such as a faulty oxygen sensor, can improve your mileage by as much as 40%!!

    Check & Replace Air Filters Regularly

    • Replacing a clogged air filter can improve your car's fuel efficiency by as much as 10%!
    Not only will replacing a dirty air filter save gas, it will protect your engine. Yet another way you may save money.

    Check your tires

    • You can save around 3.3% on gas by keeping your tires inflated to the proper pressure.

    Use the Recommended Grade of Motor Oil

    Use the manufacturer's recommended grade of motor oil. Also, look for motor oil that says "Energy Conserving" on the API performance symbol to be sure it contains friction-reducing additives.

    Choosing and buying a new car

    Choose wisely

    Think well when buyng a new car since this is the most important fuel economy measure you can take.
    This U.S. government website, Fueleconomy.govbrings the results of fuel efficiency tests done with hundreds of current models. Relevant information, even if you are not in the U.S.

    Think small

    Generally speaking, smaller cars are lighter and get better mileage.

    Try a hybrid

    Not only do hybrids give you immediate savings at the pump, but in some countries, offer tax reductions for people who use gas-saving cars. Check out your local legislation.

    Alternative transportation

    Walk and ride a bike instead of driving, you'll be healthier and save money .
    Try your city's public transportation. If it's bad or inefficient, make your representatives hear your complains and ask for solutions.
    You can also buy a motorcycle or a scooter, they are cheaper and can be great options if used safely.

    Text based on information from US Department of Energy and WikiHow


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